Here's the code I used (you can download it here):
1: #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
2: #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
3: #include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
4: #include <iostream>
5: using namespace cv;
6: int main( int argc, char** argv )
7: {
8: // Read image given by user
9: Mat src = imread( "/users/christian/documents/programming/other/imgs/background.jpg", 0); // 1:color, 0:grayscale
10: Mat dst = imread("/users/christian/documents/programming/other/imgs/backtest.jpg", 0);
11: // background subtraction
12: Mat diff;
13: absdiff(src, dst, diff);
14: threshold(diff, diff, 10, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY); // grayscale needed
15: // Show image in window
16: imshow("original", src);
17: imshow("new", dst);
18: imshow("diff", diff);
19: // Wait until user presses key
20: waitKey();
21: return 0;
22: }
All it does is loading two images, calculating the differance, applying a threshold to highlight the object and displaying the 3 images.
This is just a theoretical example. Because here I use a static image to calculate the differnce, this method is very light sensitve. Lighting will also change the background and will no longer match exactly the stored background.
Program versions:
OS: Mac OS X 10.9.1Xcode: 5.0.2
Can we apply it in videos for hand detection.